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September 29, 2009

USC Stafon Johnson Crushes His Voicebox & Undergoes Emergency Surgery

News organizations including ABC News reported on Sept 28, 2009 that USC tailback, Stafon Johnson, was bench-pressing a 275 pound bar when it slipped and landed on his neck crushing his voicebox resulting in emergency surgery at California Hospital Medical Center. Read the story here . An endoscopic exam of his voicebox at time of injury may have looked something like this picture shown here , but more severe. Most likely a trach was performed for a secure airway after reconstruction. Aft…
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September 24, 2009

Bifid Uvula

I recently saw a patient with a most impressive bifid uvula. For those who don't know, the uvula is the midline dangling thing in the back of the mouth. Normally, there's only one, but in this patient, there are 2. If the clefting extended not only through the uvula, but also the palate, than that would be called a cleft palate. In other words, a bifid uvula is a birth defect that almost became a cleft palate. A bifid uvula has no impact on swallowing or talking and no further inte…
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September 21, 2009

"Smoking Kills" Doctor Warned in 1606!!!

On Sept 19, 2009, the BBC published a story " Tobacco Warning from 17th Century " in which a physician, Dr. Eleazar Duncan, wrote a letter published in 1606 stating that tobacco "is so hurtful and dangerous to youth that it might have the pernicious nature expressed in the name, and that it were as well known by the name of Youths-bane as by the name of tobacco." It goes to show you that physicians have been trying and still trying to get people to stop smoking for over 4…
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September 17, 2009

How Does A Deviated Septum Cause A Nosebleed?

Over the years, I have been asked by a number of patients with deviated septums why that would make them more prone to nosebleeds . Well, this blog article is to answer that very question. First off, a little anatomy... A nasal septum is a wall that separates the right nasal cavity from the left side. Normally, this septum should be perfectly straight. However, in some people, the septum may be deviated causing not only nasal obstruction, but increases the risk of nosebleeds. When…
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September 15, 2009

Webpage on Epistaxis (Nosebleeds) Updated!

Our practice website has updated our nosebleed (otherwise known as epistaxis) webpage to include more information on procedural treatment of nosebleeds including silver nitrate cauterization, electrocautery, nasal packing, and surgery. The webpage still includes information on conservative treatment as well as causes. Click here to read more!
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September 14, 2009

Oral Appliance Can Help With Obstructive Sleep Apnea

In the September 2009 edition of Archives of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, there was a research paper entitled " An Investigation of Upper Airway Changes Associated with Mandibular Advancement Device Using Sleep Video Fluoroscopy in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea " where use of an oral appliance was found to significantly improve obstructive sleep apnea . The oral appliance increased retropalatal and retrolingual spaces as well as decreased the length of the soft pal…
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September 10, 2009

Washington Post Medical Mystery: Kawasaki Disease

The Washington Post on Sept 8, 2009 published a story called " A Frightful Week for a Little Girl " in its Medical Mystery section on Kawasaki Disease. This disease is rare and difficult to diagnose given its multitude of symptoms that can be due to something more benign including: • red eyes • fever • rash • neck mass • red lips/mouth However, it is the constellation of symptoms according to guidelines that Kawasaki in children should be considered when there has been an une…
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September 07, 2009

Most People Prefer Right Ear for Listening

A well-known asymmetry in humans is the right ear dominance for listening to verbal stimuli, which is thought to reflect the brain's left hemisphere superiority for processing verbal information. This preference for hearing with the right ear is also found in rats, Japanese macaques, harpy eagles, sea lions and dogs. However, the left ear (and right brain) excels at picking up emotional cues. When it comes to music, pitch, timbre and loudness are discriminated better with left ear (right …
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September 02, 2009

NYT: Plastic Surgery May Cure Migraine Headaches???

The New York Times on Sept 2, 2009 published a story " Plastic Surgery May Also Ease Migraine Headaches ," in which a modification of the facelift may improve and in some patients, even cure migraine headaches. The research abstract describing this surgical treatment for migraine headaches upon which the NYT story is based on can be read here . So far, the only patients who are candidates for this type of surgery are those who respond positively to Botox injections and where the t…
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How to Get Insurance to Pay for Rhinoplasty Nosejob!

Well... at least part of the cost. I learned of this from a patient who came to see me in order to obtain an "independent ENT evaluation" regarding her deviated septum . In essence, in order for insurance to pay part of the cost of one's rhinoplasty, a few things need to happen. Step 1: See a plastic surgeon who will perform your nosejob rhinoplasty. If the plastic surgeon notes a deviated septum or if you also have a significant nasal obstruction , see an ENT . If the pla…
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