A new video has been produced showing how a "saddle nose" or "ski-slope nose" is corrected. This video was created with Dr. Stephen Park who is a Professor and Vice-Chair of Otolaryngology, Division Chief of Facial Plastic Surgery.
A saddle nose deformity is when the nose bends downward between the forehead and tip of nose resulting in a shape similar in appearance to a ski jump slope. It could be congenital or acquired. Acquired causes include prior rhinoplasty, intranasal drug abuse (most commonly cocaine), excessive decongestant nasal spray use (afrin, zicam, 4way, etc), trauma, etc.
This is the second of 5 videos that will be created describing the most common rhinoplasty procedures.
The first was nasal hump removal which can be watched here.
Please keep in mind that although Dr. Chang may have helped produce these rhinoplasty videos, he does not actually perform them.
A saddle nose deformity is when the nose bends downward between the forehead and tip of nose resulting in a shape similar in appearance to a ski jump slope. It could be congenital or acquired. Acquired causes include prior rhinoplasty, intranasal drug abuse (most commonly cocaine), excessive decongestant nasal spray use (afrin, zicam, 4way, etc), trauma, etc.
This is the second of 5 videos that will be created describing the most common rhinoplasty procedures.
The first was nasal hump removal which can be watched here.
Please keep in mind that although Dr. Chang may have helped produce these rhinoplasty videos, he does not actually perform them.
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